
Go is a statically typed, compiled high-level programming language.


This page lists all projects using this programming language or deployment platform. Only the main server-side requirements, packaging or distribution formats are considered.


An open-source knowledge-based community software. You can use it to quickly build your Q&A community for product technical support, customer support, user communication, and more.

Website Source Code

★12207 2024-07-25 Docker Go Apache-2.0

Communication - Social Networks and Forums


Realtime server for reliable two-way communication over WebSockets, Server-sent events, etc.

Website Source Code Demo

★360 2024-07-25 Go Docker MIT

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


Honeypot framework designed to provide a highly secure environment for detecting and analyzing cyber attacks.

Website Source Code Demo

★626 2024-07-21 Docker K8S Go MIT ⚠ Anti-features



A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration.

Website Source Code

★2174 2024-07-17 Go Docker MIT

Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP) File Transfer - Peer-to-peer Filesharing Search Engines


Fast and lightweight DNS proxy (like Pi-hole) as ad-blocker for local network with many features.

Website Source Code

★4434 2024-07-23 Go Docker Apache-2.0



Minimalistic S3-backed audio library.

Website Source Code

★52 2023-12-16 Go Apache-2.0

Media Streaming - Audio Streaming


Safe database schema change and version control for DevOps teams, supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, TiDB, ClickHouse, and Snowflake.

Website Source Code Demo

★10636 2024-07-26 Docker K8S Go MIT

Database Management


A simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source Home Cloud system.

Website Source Code

★23955 2024-07-24 Go Docker Apache-2.0

Self-hosting Solutions


Language-agnostic real-time messaging (Websocket or SockJS) server.

Website Source Code Demo

★8175 2024-07-26 Go Docker K8S MIT

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


A self-hosted, open source user authorization layer for your applications.

Website Source Code Demo

★2888 2024-07-26 Go deb Docker K8S Apache-2.0



SMTP (email) server with a focus on simplicity, security, and ease of operation.

Website Source Code

★? ? Go Apache-2.0

Communication - Email - Mail Transfer Agents


Remote development machines on your own infrastructure.

Website Source Code

★7530 2024-07-26 Go Docker K8S deb AGPL-3.0

Software Development - IDE & Tools


CRM including a unified workspace, enterprise messaging and a low code environment for rapidly and securely delivering records-based management solutions.

Website Source Code Demo

★1493 2024-07-25 Go Apache-2.0



Static status page for hyperfast Hugo. Clean design, minimal JS, super light HTML/CSS, high customization, optional admin panel, read-only API, IE8+. Best used with Netlify, Docker.

Website Source Code Demo

★2483 2024-06-18 Go MIT

Status / Uptime pages


Powerful Cron alternative with a Web UI. It allows you to define dependencies between commands as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in a declarative YAML format.

Website Source Code

★1341 2024-07-24 Go Docker GPL-3.0



Second-generation Matrix homeserver written in Go. It intends to provide an efficient, reliable and scalable alternative to Synapse.

Website Source Code

★5525 2024-07-25 Go Apache-2.0

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


A simple command line notebook with multi-device sync and web interface.

Website Source Code

★2735 2024-06-30 Go AGPL-3.0

Note-taking & Editors


Modern Docs + Wiki software with built-in workflow, single binary executable, just bring MySQL/Percona.

Website Source Code

★2117 2024-06-18 Go AGPL-3.0



SMTP server that sends and receives emails according to a simple configuration file, with an optional web interface that you can use to browse your emails.

Website Source Code

★? ? Go LGPL-3.0

Communication - Email - Complete Solutions


An end-to-end encrypted photo-sharing platform (alternative to Google Photos, Apple Photos).

Website Source Code

★12362 2024-07-26 Docker Nodejs Go AGPL-3.0

Photo and Video Galleries


Modern IRCv3 server written in Go, combining the features of an ircd, a services framework, and a bouncer.

Website Source Code

★2232 2024-07-07 Go Docker MIT

Communication - IRC

Fasten Health#

Fasten is an open-source, self-hosted, personal/family electronic medical record aggregator, designed to integrate with 100,000’s of insurances/hospitals/clinics in the United States.

Website Source Code

★1457 2024-07-20 Go Docker GPL-3.0 ⚠ Anti-features


Fathom Lite#

A simple and privacy-focused web analytics (alternative to Google Analytics).

Website Source Code

★7497 2023-10-30 Go Docker MIT



Powerful RSS aggregator, able to transform and send articles to many outputs. Single binary, extensible with plugins.

Website Source Code

★335 2024-07-08 Go Docker GPL-3.0

Feed Readers


Web File Browser with a Material Design web interface.

Website Source Code

★25029 2024-06-29 Go Apache-2.0

File Transfer - Web-based File Managers


Feature flag solution with support for multiple data backends (alternative to LaunchDarkly).

Website Source Code Demo

★3458 2024-07-26 Docker K8S Go GPL-3.0



Define, organize, track and manage work across individuals and teams (alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana).

Website Source Code Clients

★20887 2024-06-10 Nodejs Go Docker MIT AGPL-3.0 Apache-2.0

Task Management & To-do Lists


A lightweight software forge focused on scaling, federation, and privacy (fork of Gitea).

Website Source Code Clients Demo

★? ? Docker Go MIT

Software Development - Project Management Ticketing


A lightweight RSS aggregator and reader.

Website Source Code

★685 2024-07-10 Go Docker MIT

Feed Readers


Galène (or Galene) is a videoconference server (an “SFU”) that is easy to deploy and that requires moderate server resources.

Website Source Code

★910 2024-07-15 Go MIT

Communication - Video Conferencing


Get the timezone from geo coordinates (lat, lon).

Website Source Code

★66 2024-07-01 Go Docker MIT

Maps and Global Positioning System (GPS)


Community managed, lightweight code hosting solution (fork of Gogs).

Website Source Code Demo

★43405 2024-07-26 Go Docker K8S MIT

Software Development - Project Management

GO Feature Flag#

Simple, complete, and lightweight feature flag solution (alternative to LaunchDarkly).

Website Source Code

★1200 2024-07-26 Go MIT



Easy web statistics without tracking of personal data.

Website Source Code

★4331 2024-06-04 Go EUPL-1.2



Reads RSS/Atom feeds and filter/digest them to create beautiful emails.

Website Source Code

★169 2024-01-06 Go MIT

Feed Readers


Painless self-hosted Git Service written in Go.

Website Source Code

★44610 2024-07-01 Go MIT

Software Development - Project Management


Lightweight server to share files, which expire after a set amount of downloads or days. Similar to the discontinued Firefox Send, with the difference that only the admin is allowed to upload files.

Website Source Code

★1142 2024-07-26 Go Docker GPL-3.0

File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload


Lightweight music streaming server. Subsonic compatible.

Website Source Code

★1503 2024-07-13 Go Docker GPL-3.0

Media Streaming - Audio Streaming


Gophish is a powerful, open-source phishing framework that makes it easy to test your organization’s exposure to phishing.

Website Source Code

★11042 2023-09-15 Go Docker MIT



Easy file sharing with server-side encryption, curl/httpie/wget compliant.

Website Source Code

★273 2024-07-12 Go MIT

File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload


Gossa is a light and simple webserver for your files.

Website Source Code

★869 2024-03-27 Go MIT

File Transfer - Web-based File Managers


GoSƐ is a modern file-uploader focusing on scalability and simplicity. It only depends on a S3 storage backend and hence scales horizontally without the need for additional databases or caches.

Website Source Code Demo

★189 2024-07-22 Go Docker Apache-2.0

File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload


Self-hosted notification server with Android and CLI clients, similar to PushBullet.

Website Source Code Clients

★10552 2024-07-02 Go Docker MIT

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


ActivityPub federated social network server implementing the Mastodon client API.

Website Source Code

★3596 2024-07-26 Docker Go AGPL-3.0

Communication - Social Networks and Forums


Lightning fast code searching made easy.

Website Source Code

★5615 2023-07-14 Go Docker MIT

Search Engines


Fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images. It works great when you need to resize multiple images on the fly without preparing a ton of cached resized images or re-doing it every time the design changes.

Website Source Code

★8584 2024-07-11 Go Docker K8S MIT



Lightweight SSL/TLS reverse proxy with authorization (via Telegram and SSH) for self-hosted apps.

Website Source Code

★63 2024-07-13 Go GPL-3.0 ⚠ Anti-features



High performance, self-hosted newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard.

Website Source Code

★14184 2024-07-25 Go Docker AGPL-3.0

Communication - Email - Mailing Lists and Newsletters


Shopping cart in 1 file (with support for payment by card or cryptocurrency).

Website Source Code

★157 2024-07-25 Go Docker MIT ⚠ Anti-features



Open source High-Performance API Gateway.

Website Source Code

★6239 2024-07-10 Go Apache-2.0

Software Development - API Management

Maddy Mail Server#

All-in-one mail server that implements SMTP (both MTA and MX) and IMAP. Replaces Postfix, Dovecot, OpenDKIM, OpenSPF, OpenDMARC with single daemon.

Website Source Code

★4813 2024-07-23 Go GPL-3.0

Communication - Email - Complete Solutions


MailyGo is a small tool written in Go that allows to send HTML forms, for example from static websites without a dynamic backend, via email.

Website Source Code

★? ? Go MIT



Platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle, can be integrated with Gitlab (alternative to Slack).

Website Source Code

★28779 2024-07-26 Go Docker K8S AGPL-3.0 Apache-2.0

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


An open source, self-hosted knowledge base that works with a SQLite db file.

Website Source Code

★29033 2024-07-26 Docker Go MIT

Note-taking & Editors


Browse remote folders, upload files, delete, rename, download and stream files to VLC/mpv.

Website Source Code

★174 2024-07-24 Go Docker K8S MIT

File Transfer - Web-based File Managers Media Streaming - Multimedia Streaming


Miniflux is a minimalist and open source news reader, written in Go and PostgreSQL.

Website Source Code

★6519 2024-07-26 Go deb Docker Apache-2.0

Feed Readers


Minio is an open source object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs.

Website Source Code

★45749 2024-07-26 Go Docker K8S AGPL-3.0

File Transfer - Object Storage & File Servers

Mycorrhiza Wiki#

Filesystem and git-based wiki engine written in Go using Mycomarkup as its primary markup language.

Website Source Code

★294 2024-06-29 Go AGPL-3.0



A self hosted virtual browser (rabb.it clone) that runs in Docker.

Website Source Code

★6056 2024-07-20 Docker Go Apache-2.0



Push notifications to phone or desktop using HTTP PUT/POST, with Android app, CLI and web app, similar to Pushover and Gotify.

Website Source Code Clients Demo

★17383 2024-07-19 Go Docker K8S Apache-2.0 GPL-2.0

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


Fair, lightweight and open web analytics tool. Gain insights while your users have full access to their data.

Website Source Code Demo

★850 2024-06-28 Go Docker Apache-2.0



OliveTin is a web interface for running Linux shell commands.

Website Source Code

★1933 2024-07-26 Go AGPL-3.0



Self-hosted pastebin powered by Git.

Website Source Code Demo

★1559 2024-06-03 Docker Go Nodejs AGPL-3.0



Fully-featured, self-hostable, zero trust, full mesh overlay network. Includes a 2FA support out of the box, clients for all major desktop/mobile OS’es.

Website Source Code

★2307 2024-07-26 Go Apache-2.0


Orange Forum#

Orange Forum is an easy to deploy forum that has minimal dependencies and uses very little javascript.

Website Source Code

★440 2023-11-12 Go BSD-3-Clause

Communication - Social Networks and Forums


One-Time-Secret sharing platform with a symmetric 256bit AES encryption in the browser.

Website Source Code

★428 2024-03-14 Go Apache-2.0

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


Decentralized single-user live video streaming and chat server for running your own live streams similar in style to the large mainstream options.

Website Source Code

★9151 2024-07-26 Go MIT

Media Streaming - Video Streaming


Personal photo management powered by Go and Google TensorFlow. Browse, organize, and share your personal photo collection, using the latest technologies to automatically tag and find pictures.

Website Source Code Demo

★33828 2024-07-26 Go Docker AGPL-3.0

Photo and Video Galleries


A simple and user-friendly Photo Gallery for personal servers. It is made for photographers and aims to provide an easy and fast way to navigate directories, with thousands of high resolution photos.

Website Source Code

★4862 2024-07-23 Go Docker GPL-3.0

Photo and Video Galleries


A minimalist, easy-to-host service for sharing images and other files.

Website Source Code Demo

★2206 2024-07-09 Go Docker AGPL-3.0

File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload


Plik is a scalable and friendly temporary file upload system.

Website Source Code Demo

★1439 2024-06-19 Go Docker MIT

File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload


Scalable, High Performance, Open source web conferencing system.

Website Source Code Demo

★274 2024-07-20 Docker Go MIT

Communication - Video Conferencing


Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file.

Website Source Code

★36656 2024-07-23 Go Docker MIT

Software Development - Low Code


An identity-aware reverse proxy, successor to now obsolete oauth_proxy. It inserts an OAuth step before proxying your request to the backend, so that you can safely expose your self-hosted websites to public Internet.

Website Source Code

★3966 2024-07-26 Go Apache-2.0



PufferPanel is an open source game server management panel, designed for both small networks and game server providers.

Website Source Code

★1253 2024-07-17 Go Apache-2.0

Games - Administrative Utilities & Control Panels


Self-hosted notification server for relaying push notifications via Matrix, similar to PushBullet and Gotify.

Website Source Code

★299 2023-12-21 Go ISC

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


Turn any web server into a powerful file management system and an alternative to mainstream cloud storage providers.

Website Source Code Demo

★1719 2024-07-02 Go AGPL-3.0

File Transfer & Synchronization


Quick and simple file sharing between different devices.

Website Source Code

★494 2024-06-23 Docker Go LGPL-3.0

File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload


Create your website with Rapido. Edit, publish and share collaborative content.

Website Source Code

★? ? Go AGPL-3.0

Content Management Systems (CMS)


CLI for executing queries on a remote Valve Source dedicated server using the RCON Protocol.

Website Source Code

★458 2024-02-11 Go MIT

Games - Administrative Utilities & Control Panels


Readeck is a simple web application that lets you save the precious readable content of web pages you like and want to keep forever. See it as a bookmark manager and a read later tool.

Website Source Code Clients

★? ? Go Docker AGPL-3.0

Bookmarks and Link Sharing Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP)


Lightweight news reader with modern interface and features: full-text search, automatic categorization, archiving, offline support, notifications…

Website Source Code

★393 2024-06-01 Go Docker MIT

Feed Readers


Open source, expandable Business Management Software. Manage tasks, time, assets and much more.

Website Source Code Demo

★291 2024-07-26 Go MIT

Money, Budgeting & Management


A lightweight and simple comment engine, which doesn’t spy on users. It can be embedded into blogs, articles or any other place where readers add comments.

Website Source Code Demo

★4780 2024-07-02 Docker Go MIT

Communication - Social Networks and Forums

Robust IRC#

RobustIRC is IRC without netsplits. Distributed IRC server, based on RobustSession protocol.

Website Source Code

★176 2024-06-07 Go BSD-3-Clause

Communication - IRC


Collect, unify, transform, and store your customer data, and route it to a wide range of common, popular marketing, sales, and product tools (alternative to Segment).

Website Source Code

★4016 2024-07-25 Docker K8S Go Nodejs AGPL-3.0



Screego is a simple tool to quickly share your screen to one or multiple people via web browser.

Website Source Code Demo

★7426 2024-06-23 Docker Go GPL-3.0

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


SeaweedFS is an open source distributed file system supporting WebDAV, S3 API, FUSE mount, HDFS, etc, optimized for lots of small files, and easy to add capacity.

Website Source Code

★21869 2024-07-26 Go Apache-2.0

File Transfer - Object Storage & File Servers


Lightweight Selenium hub implementation launching browsers within Docker containers.

Website Source Code

★2546 2024-07-21 Go Apache-2.0

Software Development - Testing


Flexible, fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional FTP/S and WebDAV support.

Website Source Code

★8665 2024-07-26 Go deb Docker AGPL-3.0

File Transfer - Object Storage & File Servers


Self-hosted music sheet organizing software for all music enthusiasts. Upload and organize your sheets for any kind of instrument.

Website Source Code

★307 2023-07-27 Docker Go AGPL-3.0

Media Streaming - Multimedia Streaming


Simple bookmark manager built with Go.

Website Source Code

★9055 2024-07-12 Go Docker MIT

Bookmarks and Link Sharing


Troubleshooting and monitoring VoIP calls.

Website Source Code

★1581 2024-07-22 Nodejs Go Docker AGPL-3.0

Communication - SIP


HTTP(S)/WS(S)/TCP tunnels to localhost using only SSH (serveo/ngrok alternative).

Website Source Code

★3895 2024-07-18 Go Docker MIT



Sourcegraph is a fast, open-source, fully-featured code search and navigation engine written in Go.

Website Source Code

★9959 2024-07-26 Go Apache-2.0

Software Development - IDE & Tools


A full web git interface with no javascript.

Website Source Code Demo

★? ? Go GPL-2.0

Software Development - Project Management


Sshwifty is a SSH and Telnet connector made for the Web.

Website Source Code Demo

★2255 2024-07-03 Go Docker AGPL-3.0

Remote Access


A web-based library organizer and player for your adult media stash, with auto-tagging and metadata scraping support.

Website Source Code

★8525 2024-07-16 Docker Go AGPL-3.0

Media Streaming - Multimedia Streaming


An easy to use Status Page for your websites and applications. Statping will automatically fetch the application and render a beautiful status page with tons of features for you to build an even better status page.

Website Source Code

★1383 2024-05-10 Docker Go GPL-3.0

Status / Uptime pages


Very simple (to deploy and to use) secret message service using Hashicorp Vault as a secrets storage.

Website Source Code

★503 2024-07-10 Go MIT



Your own online file storage, social network or email server.

Website Source Code

★392 2024-06-13 Go Shell GPL-3.0

Self-hosting Solutions


Syncthing is an open source peer-to-peer file synchronisation tool.

Website Source Code

★62609 2024-07-22 Go Docker deb MPL-2.0

File Transfer & Synchronization


Certificate authority and access plane for SSH, Kubernetes, web applications, and databases.

Website Source Code

★17091 2024-07-26 Go Docker K8S Apache-2.0



Instant messaging platform. Backend in Go. Clients: Swift iOS, Java Android, JS webapp, scriptable command line; chatbots.

Website Source Code Clients Demo

★11783 2024-04-27 Go GPL-3.0

Communication - Custom Communication Systems


Traggo is a tag-based time tracking tool. In Traggo there are no tasks, only tagged time spans.

Website Source Code

★1100 2024-03-18 Docker Go GPL-3.0

Time Tracking


Easy file sharing from the command line.

Website Source Code

★15125 2024-06-11 Go MIT

File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload


Youtube-like (without censorship and features you don’t need!) Video Sharing App written in Go which also supports automatic transcoding to MP4 H.265 AAC, multiple collections and RSS feed.

Website Source Code Demo

★? ? Go MIT

Media Streaming - Video Streaming


Fast and scalable open source API Gateway. Out of the box, Tyk offers an API Management Platform with an API Gateway, API Analytics, Developer Portal and API Management Dashboard.

Website Source Code

★9457 2024-07-25 Go Docker K8S MPL-2.0

Software Development - API Management


A simple Wake on LAN (WOL) dashboard app. Wake up devices on your network and see current status.

Website Source Code

★1910 2024-07-26 Go Docker MIT



The to-do app to organize your life.

Website Source Code Demo

★? ? Go GPL-3.0

Task Management & To-do Lists


Tracking tool for coding statistics, compatible with WakaTime.

Website Source Code

★2443 2024-07-22 Go Docker GPL-3.0

Software Development - IDE & Tools


A self-hosted toolkit for archiving webpages to the Internet Archive, archive.today, IPFS, and local file systems.

Website Source Code

★1720 2024-07-02 Go GPL-3.0

Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP)


Lightweight self-hosted wayback machine that creates HTML and PDF files from your bookmarks.

Website Source Code

★97 2024-04-19 Go BSD-3-Clause

Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP)


Writing software for starting a minimalist, federated blog — or an entire community.

Website Source Code

★4250 2024-04-17 Go AGPL-3.0

Blogging Platforms


Self-Hosted, Twitter™-like Decentralised micro-logging platform. No ads, no tracking, your content, your data.

Website Source Code

★? ? Go MIT

Communication - Social Networks and Forums


Yarr (yet another rss reader) is a web-based feed aggregator which can be used both as a desktop application and a personal self-hosted server.

Website Source Code

★2824 2024-06-21 Go MIT

Feed Readers


Personal micro feed where you can post snippets of text or images.

Website Source Code

★26 2024-01-16 Go Nodejs Docker MIT

Pastebins File Transfer - Single-click & Drag-n-drop Upload


Secure sharing of secrets, passwords and files.

Website Source Code Demo

★1738 2024-07-26 Go Docker Apache-2.0

Communication - Custom Communication Systems

yt-dlp Web UI#

Web GUI for yt-dlp.

Website Source Code

★709 2024-07-24 Docker Go Nodejs MPL-2.0



Search engine that requires minimal resources (alternative to Elasticsearch).

Website Source Code Demo

★16741 2024-06-21 Go Docker K8S Apache-2.0

Search Engines

ZOT OCI Registry#

A production-ready vendor-neutral OCI-native container image registry.

Website Source Code Demo

★815 2024-07-25 Go Docker Apache-2.0

File Transfer - Object Storage & File Servers


Automation engine that models and executes business processes declared in yaml.

Website Source Code

★1138 2024-05-22 Go Docker BSD-3-Clause
